Space Planning
As part of Arizona’s Connected Workforce program, the General Services Division of the Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA) has been working closely with the Governor’s Office to support reducing the State’s real estate footprint. Agencies have been working to optimize and consolidate space as they develop sustainable programs for remote work.
The Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS), the state's Medicaid program, has moved more than 60 percent of its workforce to virtual offices, allowing the agency to consolidate from two buildings into one, saving $1.2 million in fiscal year 2020.
ADOA has shrunk its office space by 30 percent as more than 80 percent of their workforce is now virtual office or remote workers. They will consolidate to the third floor of the building and also build out hoteling space on that same floor. The available space will be backfilled with other agencies including the Department of Education, the Department of Gaming, and the Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections (ADJC). ADJC has already vacated an entire building and moved into the ADOA building located at 100 N. 15th Avenue.
The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) was able to reduce their footprint as they transitioned over 90 percent of their staff to remote work. By reducing their physical space needs and vacating an entire floor at their 1110 W. Washington Street location, they have created the opportunity for other agencies to consolidate into this building. The Department of Forestry and Fire Management will move into some of the vacated space. The State Parks Board will also be moving from a leased space into the 1110 W. Washington building. This will result in the co-locating of agencies with a natural resources emphasis.
The Department of Economic Security (DES) plans to close 14 locations with private leases across the state, saving about $1 million, and co-locate their office spaces with the Department of Transportation in these areas so services remain available to the public.
By reducing the state’s real estate footprint and giving employees the flexibility to work from home, the State of Arizona will be positioned to continue to be an employer of choice.