Employee Remote Work Training Academy
The remote work candidate must register for the remote work computer-based training (CBT) in TraCorp. The training is offered academy-style in four subject-specific courses that run 10-12 minutes each:
- TRP1001 Telework Basics: this course covers basic information the employee will need to complete the remote work agreement.
- TRP1002 Communications: this course covers best practices for communications in a remote work environment.
- TRP1003 Home Office Safety: this course advises employees on setting up and maintaining a safe home office.
- TRP1004 Security: this course discusses security issues as they relate to working remotely, including computer security and privacy requirements.

Supervisor Remote Work Training Academy
A leadership academy designed for supervisors leading a team with remote workers was developed to assist leaders with building a positive, productive remote work culture. The CBT training, available in TraCorp, is offered academy-style in four subject-specific courses that run 10-12 minutes each:
- TRP2001 Benefits and Challenges of Remote Work discusses elements that will develop a positive remote work culture within the agency and individual teams
- TRP2002 Effective Leadership Practices covers topics that allows managers to adapt effective leadership practices for the remote work environment
- TRP2003 Communications Best Practices for Leaders reviews effective communications techniques for leaders whose teams include employees working remotely
- TRP2004 Effective Performance Management offers tips for keeping team members engaged and productive while working remotely and incorporates elements of the Arizona Management System (AMS).